The end result for you is smooth closings that don’t irritate any parties because of poor communication or forgotten paper work. Everything will be handled and ordered in a professional, personal manner.
You need a trustworthy partner who understands your needs.
Responsiveness and Turnaround Time – Wally Tingley & Associates delivers fast turnaround times, while also giving you accurate estimates on when you can expect things to finalize.
Highest priority – We stay in constant, close communication with all of the parties involved in the transaction. Our staff is available to answer your questions before, during and even after the transaction is complete. We value the opportunity to play such an important role in the purchase and sale of your closing.
Success Tools – We have invested in tools to help your success. You can now get instant net sheets in 30 seconds or less to share with your clients directly from our website or via our mobile app. Designed to help you get to contract even faster!